Sunday, November 19, 2006

But What Will We Call It? First Things First

A good religion needs a day or worship, but on what day of the week? Well, why day of the week? A new religion should be (you know) *new*, so here at Godz R Us we are thinking maybe day of the month, day of the year, day of the decade, maybe day of the century.

(But day of the millenium won't work. Think Christmas. Anticipation is great but sooner or later you want the sucker to actually arrive.)

We're goint to spitball some ideas. We are going to walk them up to the edge of the water, and see if there's a parting of the waves, if you know what I mean.

So we'll get back to you on this. Whatever date we choose, it's going to be a great really super day with noise and singing and marching up and down, though we really haven't worked out all the rituals.

Everyone will have to wear a really nice hat, both men and women.

You can count on that.

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